Quick Fall Curb Appeal

When we put our house up on the market it was only September so I didn’t want to go too crazy with the fall decor just yet. I put a fresh mat outside our front door and figured a fall wreath wouldn’t hurt but nothing more. Lucky for us, we were under contract within a week and had a closing date set for mid-October. While I was relieved we had a buyer so quickly, I was a little sad that I wouldn’t be decorating for fall since we wouldn’t have a home anymore.

Well, unlucky for us, after 3+ weeks, our buyers backed out (that’s a story for a different post) so it turns out we WILL be in this house for a few weeks longer than planned! We are about to show the house again to potential buyers so I took E out with me to grab some decorations.

Our first stop was Hobby Lobby. I went shopping there a couple weeks ago with my friends and saw this adorable sign that I wished I could buy so I went back to grab it. We wandered the aisles a bit but I knew I wanted fresh flowers & pumpkins so we needed to move on.

Next stop, we went to Lowe’s. I grabbed a cute little haystack and 2 potted mums. I played with the idea of adding more haystacks and a variety of flowers but I decided to keep it simple.

Last stop, we went to Trader Joe’s (my favorite). They had beautiful purple mums that I could put in a vase inside, cinnamon broom sticks that smell delicious and tons of pumpkins! Truthfully, I came to Trader Joe’s for a couple groceries and the flowers for a vase. I had planned to swing by a church pumpkin patch on the way home but they had great options so that eliminated my 4th stop!

When we got home, I was going to wait to decorate during E’s nap but she still had about 20 minutes left so I let her help me carry the mini pumpkins while I carried everything else. 

While I was unloading the trunk I noticed a LIZARD had snuck into my car. If you know me you know I hate all things outdoors (bugs, little creatures, dirt, etc.) so I was literally shouting “EW!!” My native FL neighbors probably think I’m a wimp and I wouldn’t say they’re wrong. I used the cinnamon broomstick to shoo him out but he jumped/crawled/scurried through my entire car before he finally hopped out. YUCK. E was imitating me the entire time which was kind of hilarious.

Anyway, back to decorating– I hid the cinnamon broomstick behind the sign and it smells amazing! The rest of the decor I just played with (as did E…) until it looked right!

E wanted to be in the pictures once she saw I took my phone out. LOL. I also had to bribe her with a banana to get her to stop moving the mini pumpkins.

I’m pretty happy with how it turned out! When you walk up to our front door it feels and smells like fall! I’m grateful we have a little while longer in this house so I can enjoy fall at home.

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