Boy vs. Girl Pregnancy Symptoms

When I found out I was pregnant for the second time around I instinctively believed it was a girl again. I was already looking at cute onesies and baby outfits for this next little princess. Turns out I have zero mom instincts because BOY, was I wrong! Around 15 weeks I went in for a check-up & routine bloodwork. When the nurse practitioner was doing the ultrasound she asked if I wanted to know the gender to which I said, “yes, please!!!” and sure enough, we’re having a boy! I was shocked because of how off my “mom intuition” was but I also kind of expected it because I felt very different this pregnancy. Here are a few differences (& some similarities) I’ve experienced during my pregnancy with a girl versus a pregnancy with a boy.

As you can probably tell, I have felt WAY better with my boy pregnancy than I did with my girl pregnancy. It has been so interesting seeing the differences between these two. I can’t help but think about if the deliveries will be similar or different… along with their personalities! Can’t wait to see these siblings together!

How did your pregnancies differ? Did they get easier or harder as you had more kids? Were the girls vs. boys different?

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