Flying ALONE with a Toddler Pt. 2


If you read Flying ALONE with a Toddler Pt. 1 then you’ve heard all my tips and tricks! I get a lot of questions from friends and family about logistically HOW I did all of those things so here are the nitty gritty details of what I brought and how I navigate the airport.


UPPAbaby VISTA stroller (I kept the cover on the stroller’s bottom storage area)

Nike backpack that I temporarily put underneath stroller seat

Lunchbox under stroller seat

Car seat already in a car seat cover (link here) behind Elianna’s stroller seat, stuffed in the bottom of the Vista (the car seat was basically spooning the stroller seat)

Lotus Travel Crib on my back

1 large suitcase- clothes & things

Walking in the airport/TSA:

All of the items I listed above were with me when I walked in the airport alone. Once I got to the check-in desk I checked the travel crib and the suitcase then put the backpack on my back for easier access to my items. At TSA pre-check, I put the lunchbox, backpack and carseat immediately on the belt to get those going while I grabbed Miss E out of the stroller and detached the seat from the bottom. I put the stroller seat on the belt, then rolled the bottom half to the TSA security guard. When I got the nod to walk through, I carried E through the archway. Boom, done.

Before the flight:

I usually roll E into the handicap bathroom or family bathroom with me and face her towards the door if I need to use the restroom prior to the flight. Then I check/change her diaper to make sure it’s fresh so she’s comfortable. Make sure to get tags for your items at the gate desk. I usually get there about 10 minutes before we board (so ~40 minutes before the flight). This time around I needed 3 tags; one for the stroller bottom, one for the stroller seat (I detach this & put it in a separate cover) and one for the carseat. If you are keeping your stroller and/or carseat in a bag make sure they put the tags on the handles of the bag, not on the item itself. Once that’s finished, you just have to get your toddler off the stroller when you get down to the airplane door and fold your items up to leave it there. That left me with my backpack, lunchbox and E to walk onto the plane.

On the plane: 

I usually fly Southwest so I choose an empty row in hopes no one will join us. I also have her stand up on the outer seat first while I Clorox everything- her seat, the armrest, the window, the tray tables, etc. On the way up & back down, I give her a pacifier or have her drink something so that her ears don’t bother her too much. During the flight just try to switch off between tablet time, snacks and playing with toys to keep them busy.

Getting off the plane and grabbing bags is probably something that’s self-explanatory so I won’t go into those details. Just make sure you wait at the same place you dropped your stroller off to grab it.

I hope some of these tips and experiences I’ve shared help you have a smooth and less-stressful flight with your little one! It’s not an easy task but it’s manageable, I promise! You will get there in one piece! Good luck!!

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