Spotlight: Netflix Originals

I hope I’m not alone in my frustration with the seemingly infinite amount of streaming channels these days. Anyone here old enough to remember the days when you would order DVDs through Netflix to be delivered? HA! How far we’ve come. I used to consider just getting cable and canceling our streaming services but now so many shows and movies have come out that are site-specific that I can only let go of a few.

It felt appropriate to start with the OG; so here’s my top 10 list of shows and movies that are Netflix originals! 

*There’s no particular order – I loved these all for different reasons so they’re just listed by category.

  1. Movie: The Gray Man

Action, funny, Ryan Gosling.

2. Movie: The Unforgivable

Twisty, drama, Sandra Bullock.

3. Limited Series: Maid

Inspiring, emotional, heart-wrenching.

4. Limited Series: Anatomy of a Scandal

British, crime, gripping.

5. Limited Series: Unorthodox

Puzzling, interesting, motivating.

6. Limited Series: Keep Sweet Pray & Obey

Fascinating, documentary, unnerving.

7. TV Show: Sweet Magnolias

Feel-good, light drama, sweet friendships.

8. TV Show: Virgin River

Cheesy, drama, small-town.

9. TV Show: Selling Sunset

Reality, real estate, drama.

10. TV Show: Ozark

Dark, crime, sinister.

What am I missing? Any recommendations I didn’t list?

All pictures taken from Netflix website

Quick Fall Curb Appeal

When we put our house up on the market it was only September so I didn’t want to go too crazy with the fall decor just yet. I put a fresh mat outside our front door and figured a fall wreath wouldn’t hurt but nothing more. Lucky for us, we were under contract within a week and had a closing date set for mid-October. While I was relieved we had a buyer so quickly, I was a little sad that I wouldn’t be decorating for fall since we wouldn’t have a home anymore.

Well, unlucky for us, after 3+ weeks, our buyers backed out (that’s a story for a different post) so it turns out we WILL be in this house for a few weeks longer than planned! We are about to show the house again to potential buyers so I took E out with me to grab some decorations.

Our first stop was Hobby Lobby. I went shopping there a couple weeks ago with my friends and saw this adorable sign that I wished I could buy so I went back to grab it. We wandered the aisles a bit but I knew I wanted fresh flowers & pumpkins so we needed to move on.

Next stop, we went to Lowe’s. I grabbed a cute little haystack and 2 potted mums. I played with the idea of adding more haystacks and a variety of flowers but I decided to keep it simple.

Last stop, we went to Trader Joe’s (my favorite). They had beautiful purple mums that I could put in a vase inside, cinnamon broom sticks that smell delicious and tons of pumpkins! Truthfully, I came to Trader Joe’s for a couple groceries and the flowers for a vase. I had planned to swing by a church pumpkin patch on the way home but they had great options so that eliminated my 4th stop!

When we got home, I was going to wait to decorate during E’s nap but she still had about 20 minutes left so I let her help me carry the mini pumpkins while I carried everything else. 

While I was unloading the trunk I noticed a LIZARD had snuck into my car. If you know me you know I hate all things outdoors (bugs, little creatures, dirt, etc.) so I was literally shouting “EW!!” My native FL neighbors probably think I’m a wimp and I wouldn’t say they’re wrong. I used the cinnamon broomstick to shoo him out but he jumped/crawled/scurried through my entire car before he finally hopped out. YUCK. E was imitating me the entire time which was kind of hilarious.

Anyway, back to decorating– I hid the cinnamon broomstick behind the sign and it smells amazing! The rest of the decor I just played with (as did E…) until it looked right!

E wanted to be in the pictures once she saw I took my phone out. LOL. I also had to bribe her with a banana to get her to stop moving the mini pumpkins.

I’m pretty happy with how it turned out! When you walk up to our front door it feels and smells like fall! I’m grateful we have a little while longer in this house so I can enjoy fall at home.

Cheap + Quick Linen Closet Makeover


There is something so satisfying about seeing perfectly organized linen closets on Pinterest with beautiful baskets, labels and meticulously folded sheets. However, considering the fact that I have already gone over my Target budget this month AND I have more stuff than just a few sheets and towels in my one linen closet, setting that expectation for myself was unrealistic.

Instead, I decided to look at the one bin I did buy from Target and think, “okay, what can I do with this?” When I looked at the contents of our halfway organized closet I realized I don’t regularly use a third of the things in there. I started the process by grabbing those things I know we do not use in our daily life.


E has grown out of most of her baby robes and she doesn’t use her medium-sized towels…in the Target bin they went! It’s currently summer so we will not be needing our Christmas duvet cover anytime soon…in the bin it went! We had a few extra towels as “back up” in case we have a bunch of guests or I get really behind on laundry for some reason. I realized I’m pretty timely about washing our towels so we rarely, if ever, use those “back up towels”…in the bin they went.


Some items were stored there that did not need to be. For example, E’s baby bath tub that she is way too big for is now with her infant items in storage. The box of back-up nursing supplies that I do not need (until hopefully baby #2 down the road) is stored with my pump and baby supplies. I didn’t even know I had an almost empty box of wipes on the floor so I took the leftover wipe packets and put them in the basket with the candles then tossed the box. Lastly, a breakfast-in-bed tray table we had in there is broken and needs to be tossed so out that went, too.


We are not COVID hoarders but we do always get tissues & toilet paper from Costco so we typically have extras of those. Super simple trick… take the rolls out of the massive, ripped-open Costco bag and neatly place them on the shelf. Voila. If I had a Container Store budget I would buy those pretty baskets to put them in….one day! lol

Medicines were all stored on top so my little munchkin has no way of climbing that high and getting to them. Next to the medicines are our beach/pool towels that we use regularly these days. D and I’s towels are on the next shelf. Below our towels are E’s towels, extra hair-drying towels and washcloths. 

I hate to admit it but I am terrible at folding sheets so next up are the pillowcases & pathetically-folded sheets. Below the unsightly sheets, I stored the small candles in the tiny basket, tissue boxes, toilet paper, and heating pad/shoulder massager. Lastly, I added large candles to the basket that has extra shower curtains in it on the floor. Now, the Target bin with all the linens we don’t need at this moment in our lives is next to the basket and the rest of the floor is clear!


If I was a minimalist, I would give almost everything in that Target tub away. Well, as much as I wish I could be one, I am NOT a minimalist… but I DO love an organized linen closet! In fact, looking at the before picture is now giving me anxiety. LOL. I’d love to spruce the closet up even more in the future with pretty baskets but we are planning to move from our house very soon so I’ll wait to design a prettier space in our next home.

Is your linen closet a sight for sore eyes? What storage works best for you?


Target bin